Tuesday, September 15, 2020
hosted online by East West Bookshop
6-7:30pm PT / 9-10:30pm ET
Are you destined to be a shaman?
People in tribal cultures may resist the shamanic call, while people in post-modern cultures may feel attracted to assuming the shaman’s role.
What accounts for this difference, and how can we discern whether our call is authentic?
Classic ways indigenous shamans may be called, and then trained, will be compared with ways shamans in modern societies are called, and the training options available.
The crucial role of psycho-spiritual development in ethical shamanic practice will be discussed.
This talk is excellent preparation for advanced training, especially if you are considering Circle of the Living Earth's Shamanic Healing Apprenticeship Program.
People in tribal cultures may resist the shamanic call, while people in post-modern cultures may feel attracted to assuming the shaman’s role.
What accounts for this difference, and how can we discern whether our call is authentic?
Classic ways indigenous shamans may be called, and then trained, will be compared with ways shamans in modern societies are called, and the training options available.
The crucial role of psycho-spiritual development in ethical shamanic practice will be discussed.
This talk is excellent preparation for advanced training, especially if you are considering Circle of the Living Earth's Shamanic Healing Apprenticeship Program.