Lenore Norrgard
Certified Shamanic Counselor
Try a different kind of counseling, in which you receive counsel directly from your own spirit helpers.
With my guidance and support, learn a practice for gaining spiritual help with personal problem-solving and guidance
Over a course of 8-10 sessions, build your own skills in divinatory shamanism for themselves, with the help and guidance in ordinary reality of the shamanic counselor. One of the features of HSC is that the real shamanic counselors are in nonordinary reality. These are wise teachers that the clients encounter in their shamanic journeys and who provide answers to the client's questions. The ordinary reality HSC counselors, in contrast, provide instruction, orientation, and methodological advice based upon core shamanism and shamanic journeying.
HSC uses electronically provided sonic-driving to alter the state of consciousness of the client in order to go "outside of time" to utilize ancient shamanic problem-solving methods. The client is trained in the method of simultaneous narration and recording of the shamanic journey in order to amplify the quality of experience and to have an ongoing record of the journeys. Through their experiences in the shamanic journey, clients have the opportunity to discover their own abilities to obtain extraordinary, practical and wise answers to important personal questions, overcome inhibitory fears, and to acquire self-confidence and incredible heartfelt wisdom. With this, the client commonly experiences a sense of personal empowerment and a new-found joy in existence.